Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Future Homes

Now a days, we all have smart phones that can do things that it didn’t normally do 20 years ago. Houses are now beginning to be like smart phones, as houses begin to get more modern they also get more technical. How will we live in the future? Will Star Trek fantasies become reality?
Our world is always changing and people are always developing new things to make our lives so much easier.
For instance, in 20 years’ time we wouldn’t even know what door knobs were, all of our doors would be automatic. If we can now control everything in our home, with a touch of a button of a mobile device, imagine what we could do in the future?
Living in our future homes would make life so easy, you would have everything at your fingertips, that’s what I call “easy living”. In the future we won’t even need a key to open the front door; the computer system will automatically recognize if the house owner is present with facial recognition software. Whenever you’re stuck on knowing what to eat, your refrigerator will tell you what to buy, cook, or eat. There will be no such thing of writing a shopping list. Your own fridge will let you know if you’re running out of milk, eggs or anything that is in the fridge. I mean how easy is that!
The most important thing is the home security system; cameras would be place all around the high tech building and will automatically warn you when their being robbed or that people are trespassing on your property.
While  living in your own home is so easy, as a result people become more and more lazy. With everything controlled with a touch of a button, no one will exercise anymore and our world could be like overweight people sitting on floating chair like in the movie Wall-E. I don’t think we want that…
concept of what homes will look like in the future.

Future Home Security Using Facial Recognition Software
a roll-like home concept


tablet that can control your house


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